Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100 – 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Gamers on a Budget

Finding the Best $100 Keyboards in Today’s Market

Navigating the labyrinth of the gaming keyboard market can feel overwhelming. With a sea of options and a budget constraint, how do you find the perfect blend of functionality, aesthetics, and performance? The goal is simple: a keyboard that doesn’t compromise on quality, even if you’re on a budget.

The Gaming Keyboard Landscape:

  • Balancing Budget and Brilliance: While top-tier gaming keyboards, boasting exceptional durability, tactile switches, captivating aesthetics, and dazzling RGB, are the dream, their hefty price tags — often exceeding $200 — can be a deterrent.
  • The Esports Revolution: The booming esports industry’s influence is undeniable. As its footprint expands, the demand for affordable yet efficient gaming equipment has surged. It’s spurred the market to offer keyboards that provide an edge in competitive gaming without burning a hole in your pocket.
  • Diverse Demands: Whether you’re in the market for a keyboard built solely for gaming or a versatile companion for gaming and daily tasks, there’s a good chance that there’s a keyboard out there tailored for your needs and, importantly, within the $100 bracket.

It’s clear: the gaming keyboard market is more dynamic than ever. And our mission? To sift through this dynamic landscape, finding the gems that give you the best bang for your buck. So, gear up as we delve into top gaming keyboards under $100.

CORSAIR K63 Wireless Mechanical Gaming Keyboard

Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100 - 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Gamers on a Budget

So, what makes the CORSAIR K63 stand out in the crowd of the best gaming keyboards under $100?


  • Switch: Cherry MX Red
  • Backlight: LED Blue
  • Wrist Rest: Detachable, but could be more comfortable.
  • Other Cool Stuff:
    • Macro keys
    • Media keys
    • Windows key lock mode
    • 100% Anti-ghosting


  • Wireless freedom is a gamer’s dream!
  • Excellent Cherry MX red switches, every gamer’s first choice.
  • Dedicated volume and multimedia controls. Perfect.


  • The battery? It taps out at 15 hours.

CORSAIR’s K63 shines brightly, especially with its subtle design and cool LED blue backlights. But here’s a question: did they compromise comfort for style with the wrist rest? Dive deeper into our guide to find out.

The K63’s wireless setup? A breeze with Corsair’s iCUE. And those Cherry MX Red switches? Arguably the best for gamers. But how does this board, brimming with features, fare against others under $100?

A tempting thought. Stick around as we delve into other options that challenge the K63 for the title of the best gaming keyboard under $100. Who will come out on top?

Razer Ornata Chroma Gaming Keyboard

Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100 - 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Gamers on a Budget

Have you ever considered the perfect blend of style and performance in a gaming keyboard? Look no further than the Razer Ornata Chroma. But why should you consider it among the best gaming keyboards under $100?


  • Switch: Mecha-Membrane switches
  • Backlight: Chroma RGB Lighting
  • Wrist Rest: A detachable piece of comfort
  • Other Highlights:
    • Macro keys
    • Media keys
    • Individual light magic on keys


  • Drop-dead gorgeous looks.
  • RGB? Customize it to your heart’s content.
  • Neat cable management with rerouting.
  • That wrist rest? Your hand’s new best friend.


  • Those mid-height key-caps? It may feel too low for some.

Unpacking the Ornata, you’re immediately hit with Razer’s signature sleek black design, contrasting beautifully with the vibrant RGB. The question is, how does it fare for actual gameplay?

Its low-profile keys are a change from standard keycaps—a bit of an adjustment, but nothing you can’t master. In aesthetics, the Ornata doesn’t just tick boxes; it creates them.

It’s not all about looks. The wrist rest? It’s a game-changer. So soft and ergonomic, it’s designed for those marathon gaming sessions. And the switches? They feel incredibly mechanical, yet they’re quieter. And for RGB lovers, every essential lights up exactly how you want it.

Hang on, there’s more. With such features and value, should the Razer Ornata Chroma top your list for the best gaming keyboard under $100? Stay with us as we venture further into this realm.

CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 Mechanical Gaming

Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100 - 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Gamers on a Budget

Why is the CORSAIR K70 RGB MK.2 making waves in gaming keyboards, even as the priciest contender? Before you judge the price, let’s dive deep. This might be your next best gaming keyboard under $100.

Quick Look:

  • Switch Cherry MX Red – known for swift responses.
  • Backlight: Mesmerizing RGB lighting.
  • Wrist Rest: This can be attached or detached at your convenience.
  • Other Nifty Features:
    • Aluminium chassis for longevity.
    • Store your settings with on-board profile storage.


  • Eye-catching aesthetics.
  • User-friendly iCUE software.
  • A structure that’s built to last.
  • Swift switches for the win!


  • A tad above our $100 limit.

Now, picture a gaming keyboard. Sleek, stylish, and with a glow that complements your gaming aura. That’s the K70. Even its detachable wristrest gives you a degree of customization in your gaming setup. What are its features? Let’s list some. FPS/MOBA keycaps, 100% anti-ghosting, a dedicated Windows key lock mode, USB passthrough, and specialized media keys. Feels exhaustive? Because it is.

But here’s the star of the show – the Cherry MX Red switches. Known for their remarkable gaming performance, these switches ensure you’re always ahead of your rivals. But here’s the cliffhanger: it’s slightly above the $100 mark. Does the superior build and unmatched performance justify stretching your budget just a bit? The decision rests in your hands.

Cooler Master CK550

Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100 - 2023: The Ultimate Guide for Gamers on a Budget

When considering the best gaming keyboard under $100, the Cooler Master CK550 might be on the budget side. But wait till you hear its features. Does it surprise beyond its price? Let’s discover.

Quick Rundown:

  • Switch: Choose from Cherry MX variants: Red, Blue, or Brown. Tailor-made for you!
  • Backlight: Dynamic RGB lighting.
  • Wrist Rest: Absent, keeping it simple.
  • Stand-out Features:
    • Premium aluminium build with a brushed finish.
    • Quick access with on-the-fly controls.
    • Dependable 50 million press switches.
    • Macros, making your gaming experience smoother.


  • Unique offerings are not seen in this price range.
  • Distinctive Cooler Master design.
  • Built to last.
  • Self-explanatory software for customization.


  • RGB doesn’t shine as brightly as its rivals.
  • Misses the Windows lock feature.

The CK550 breaks the stereotype of “you get what you pay for.” It showcases a refined design with high-profile keycaps catering to gaming and typing. The luxurious feel of the aluminium backplate, combined with the subtle RGB, does feel premium.

But the real treat? Personalize your switches. Cherry MX Red for swift responses, Blue for that tactile feedback, or Brown for a balance of both. With a bonus, the USB passthrough feature ensures you’re not wasting those precious PC slots. And with Cooler Master’s revamped software, customize to your heart’s content.

But here’s the moment of truth: Can a budget-friendly board like CK550 truly match its pricier rivals? Dive in and be the judge!

How We Choose the Best Gaming Keyboard Under $100

Have you ever wondered how we select the best gaming keyboard under $100? Let’s dive right in.

The Process:

  • Initial Selection: We begin with a vast list of potential keyboards.
  • Research: We narrowed this list to about ten promising contenders through deep study.
  • Acquisition: These selected keyboards are either bought or provided by manufacturers.
  • Hands-on Testing: Each keyboard undergoes rigorous tests in our office.
  • Review Compilation: Results? They’re pooled together and crafted into the reviews you read.

So, What Matters to Us?

  • Unbiased Testing: By involving diverse testers, we ensure varied opinions.
  • Hands-on Experience: A product’s feel is essential – we experience it firsthand.

Choosing the best gaming keyboard under $100 is not just the price. It’s about genuine quality and performance. And our method? Designed to give you just that. What makes a keyboard stand out from the crowd? Stay tuned to find out!

Things To Consider

Choosing the ideal budget keyboard isn’t just about cost; it’s about balancing quality, performance, and functionality. Before you invest in a keyboard, keep these essential considerations in mind:

1. Switches: The Heart of the Keyboard

  • Mechanical Magic: In the competitive $100 keyboard market, switches are paramount. Brands strive to integrate the finest controls, ranging from Cherry MX red to blue and everything in between.
  • Innovation in Design: Some manufacturers innovate, designing their distinct mechanical switches that enhance durability and fine-tune responsiveness.
  • Membrane’s Reliability: An old favourite, membrane switches, found in popular keyboards like the Corsair K55, provide a softer touch but might lack the responsiveness and durability mechanical switches offer.

2. Durability: The Long Game

  • Ensuring that your keyboard stands the test of time is crucial. Ensuring quality is maintained for features at budget-friendly price points is essential.
  • Your keyboard becomes an extension of your gaming prowess. As esports professionals will attest, familiarity with a durable keyboard can play a pivotal role in gaming success.

3. Macros & Media Keys: For the Competitive Edge

  • Macros Mastery: With macros, you can bind intricate in-game commands to specific keys, optimizing your gaming actions without diverting focus from gameplay.
  • Media Keys for Versatility: While they may not directly affect gameplay, media keys enhance the keyboard’s functionality – a beneficial bonus for budget keyboards.

4. Key Rollover: Accuracy is Key

  • Tailored for MMO/MOBA enthusiasts, key rollover ensures each keypress’s precision. It guarantees that regardless of how many keys you press simultaneously, each registers accurately.
  • The Anti-ghosting feature ensures no keypress is missed, even during intense gaming sessions.

5. Aesthetics: More Than Looks

  • While it might seem superficial, the look of your keyboard should align with its intended setting. Given our focus on gaming keyboards under $100, expect designs that resonate with gaming enthusiasts.

As you navigate the realm of budget keyboards, let these considerations guide your choice, ensuring you secure a cost-effective and high-performing asset for your gaming arsenal.

Final Word

A stellar keyboard can make or break your experience in this ever-evolving gaming world. From the CORSAIR entries to the surprise package that is the Cooler Master CK550, there’s something for everyone. Even when compared to the likes of SteelSeries keyboards, these options hold their ground. So, which will be your gaming ally?

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